Sunday, February 17, 2013

How to Increase Battery Backup & Performance of Android Phone.

Then I tell you that some of the below mentioned tips will work on your phone even if  you have not Rooted your phone.

Tips For Root Users

Use Power Saver App

Download, install and use Power Saver App. This will make your battery long lasting, and it’s working like charm. I have tried it.

 Use Ram Expander

Download, install and use Ram Expander. This application will expand your RAM means not much stress on Stock Ram and hence less battery usage, may work on some devices. Just check if this is working for you or not and comment below with your device name.

Use Seeder App

Download, install and use Seeder App. The seeder app will try to reduce lags on your Android device. So less lags means less battery usage.

Remove Stock Launcher

I have seen many of users just download any other browser from playstore and don’t use the stock launcher. But as the stock launcher is also there so it consumes the battery. So better you uninstall the stock browser. First make any other downloaded launcher as default browser and then uninstall the stock launcher with the help of titanium backup or any other app. Also Remove Stock Launcher from system folder (means delete that in /system/app) and add better launcher like launcher pro, go launcher (don’t install adw launcher, it consumes to much battery).

Upgrade to Custom Rom

If there is any custom Rom available for your Android device, then don’t think more and just upgrade to it. The reason behind this is, because the custom Rom come with many of customization and tweaks which saves a lot of battery. Even many other tweaks apart from battery tweaks are added to the custom Rom that increases overall performance and reduces battery consumption.

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